Low Charges on Electricity and Natural Gas by nrg Choose the program that best suits your needs nrg hybrid 50-50 nrg TOTAL nrg fixed 4U 12M nrg on time GAS nrg fixed on time Ειδικό Τιμολόγιο nrg nrg 50 nrg prime 4U nrg hybrid 50-50 nrg on time 4U nrg @ cost+ nrg prime GAS nrg simple 2.0 nrg adapt GAS nrg 100 Product - Select -nrg TOTALnrg fixed 4U 12Mnrg on time GASnrg fixed on timeΕιδικό Τιμολόγιο nrgnrg 50nrg prime 4Unrg hybrid 50-50nrg on time 4Unrg @ cost+nrg prime GASnrg simple 2.0nrg adapt GASnrg 100 Please fill in your name and a representative of ours will contact you shortly. First Name Last Name How would you like us to contact you? Phone E-mail Phone Number E-mail I accept the Terms and Conditions Submit