nrg on time 4U Variable-rate product

Zero guarantee deposit with standing payment order activation

Get a green certificate for your home and help protect the environment with just 2.5€/month.

I want it If you are a customer, please click here
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Special Offer price with 50% Consistency Discount on the supplier's margin:
[Supplier cost + 0.0175€/kWh] + fixed fee


Initial rate: [Supplier cost + €0.0350/kWh] + fixed fee

Supplier’s cost is defined as the calculation result of 1,105 x [WAMP*(1+Losses)]


The electricity charge of the Program is determined based on the first published by IPTO Weighted Average Electricity Market Price "W.A.M.P.", which is published monthly here.


Fixed fee discounts:

  • 30% with e-bill and standing payment order
  • 20% with standing payment order
  • 10% with e-bill

Initial fixed fee: 5€/month. The monthly fixed fee amount is for 30 calendar days. The charge (supplier cost + 0.0350€/kWh) concerns the competitive part of the tariff. The discount is calculated on the supplier’s margin.



To activate e-bill, enter mynrg and select e-bill from the settings. 

See detailed instructions on how to activate e-bill here.


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